Youth 心理健康 First Aid

uedbet官网ISD, 网络180 and The 心理健康 Foundation of West MichiGan provide Youth 心理健康 First Aid Trainings

You will walk away forever changed!

This is an incredible hands on interactive experience!  Each training is 8 hours.

To enroll in a uedbet官网ISD sponsored course, go to:  uedbet官网ISD - PD Hub Web Site                                   

To learn more about 网络180, go to: 网络180

To learn more about the 心理健康 Foundation go to: 心理健康 Foundation of West Michigan

KSSN Referral Map

Witness the experience in two minutes:


项目了解 is supported by 网络180, uedbet官网ISD, the Michigan Department of Education and Department of Health and Human Services, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Substance Abuse and 心理健康 Services ued西甲赫塔菲官网 (SAMHSA). A 'Now is the Time' 项目了解 initiative. 

For more information about the 'Now is the Time' visit 项目了解